Friday, 21 September 2012

MAGNETS...How do they work!

Small update:

I have magnetized the crew from the Warsphinx and I wanted to show you how.
Maybe a good idea for transport reasons!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Finally some progress!

Hello folks.

For the followers among you, I haven't posted a lot lately. The problem is that I (and my friends) have been playing (not painting) a lot of 40k.

But....Because we have a tournament coming up for fantasy, I have decided to start painting my Tombkings again. My warsphinx has come a long way, but isn't done yet.

So without further delay, here are the pictures!

Friday, 10 August 2012

Little side Project...

As we are now enjoying our nice summer holiday a friend of me suggested to whip out our old bloodbowl boards and play.

One thing led to another and we are now planning a league!

Because you can't really play with unpainted figures I started my bloodbowl team. And it became dwarfs, mostly because that was the only team I could find :P.

A slayer and the second Runner.
The whole team underc

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Let it rain arrows...well 20 arrows

Overall Shot
Well, my archer unit is done.

Close-up 1
A friend of mine dared/motivated me to get this unit done before the next clubnight, which is today. I got my paint on and I finished it last night at half past 1. Fairly happy with it. Loving my unit filler, really stand out and gives the unit a dynamic feel.

Close-up 2

Grass on the bases I am doing when I got my 2400 points done.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Long Time Since I Posted Something...

Khalida - But is gonna be my Liche Highpriest.
Well, I haven't posted something for a long time now, but that because I wanted to finish something first before posting it. She isnt totally done, but its only a base that needs to be done.

For the staff I did something I never did before. Blending from one color to the other. Was fun to do and the result is good (in my opinion ofcourse).

Ofcourse some pictures on what I am working on (really all not done yet).
Another Liche Priest


Test Archer - Bad lighting

Unit Filler

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

4 done, 2 to go...

Still W.I.P.
So I have officially changed to Tombkings for the painting challenge of me and my friends. So I need to paints 200pts of Tombkings now. I have to paint 3 chariots with command and I am done.

I wanted work ahead, but i managed one more chariot extra while two are getting there.
Here is the proof.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

A change of scenery

Hello people who are following me (probably nobody).
I recently obtained a lot of Tombkings and started painting them. I am not really looking for a super painted army, but something I can get done fast and easy.

The test chariot is done and here it is.

Leave a note so i can see who actually follows this blog...

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Small Update

Hardworking Dwarf
Well, because I am painting one model at a time I can give a lot of small updates.
I waited to have 2 new models done I couldn't keep them away from my blog.

So here some photo's of 2 Crew-members of my Cannon:

Is it ale or gunpowder? I hope for him its ale.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

New Dwarf Project

Not so happy with this one.
Me and some friends started a painting-campaign. This mean we all need to paint for about 200 points of a chosen army. I have chosen Dwarfs because I used to play them and mis the playstyle.

I have done 2 test-dwarfs. The first i am not that happy about, but the second one is precisely what i wanted.

Here are some photos (sorry for the bad lighting).

HAPPY - Its almost the same, but cleaner (and done).
This dwarf is posing like a Boss!

Thursday, 19 April 2012


Sorry for the bad lighting
I thought I would give you guys a small preview with the models and the bases. I have to say these models are not glued to these bases because they are cavalry-bases. But this will give a good sense of how the army is going to feel and be when its all based and done.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Bases Part 2

Well, as promised here are 2 pictures of the bases of how I am gonna do it for the entire army.

Owh yeah and some Orcs I glued together earlier last week.


Hello People,

Today I have painted some more black orcs, but ill give you and update on that when the whole unit is done.

What do want you guys to see is the start of my first 2 prototype-bases. I wanted something i can do quickly (because of my time issue), but not to standard (sand and grass). So I came up with cork for some stone slabs. I have only started on 2 bases, because i am going do my bases when the army is done. So i can model my miniatures around the bases (fitting in a unit and what not). So here is a preview.

To the left: Some cork slabs and a little rubble on the ground. Not yet undercoated. (duh)

To the right: Undercoated the Bases
And for the first time i am going try out the new texture paint of GW for the sand parts.
Hopefully i will have some pictures of the bases done by tomorrow (maybe tonight with crappy lighting).

Owh yeah and i made a Foot of Gork (or is it Mork, I can't be arsed to get my book) Template.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Battle of the Clubs

In the Netherlands we got a tournament called the battle of the clubs. This year this tournament will be held in tilburg on the 13th of may. I am going to compete with my Orcs and Goblins army.

All that you have seen in my previous posts is painted so far and i still need to do the rest. So that is just about under 120 models i still have to do.

My army compesition is the best in the world, but i rather go for nice models instead of cheezy armylists.
Here are the models i need to paint before the tournament starts:
1x Savage orc warboss on boar
1x Savage orc Shaman on boar
1x Savage orc great Shaman
1x Night goblin shaman
1x Black orc big boss battle standard bearer
30x Black orcs
30x Savage orcs
40x Night goblins (and somewhat fanatics :P)
8x Savage orcs boar boys
1x Arachnarok Spider (aye the big one)

So that is me stressing out on the fact that i still need to do that much.

Black Orcs

Well, my current unit that i am working on and the real start of my Blog.

Wolf Riders W.I.P.

Warhammer night

Some of my friends came over for a warhammer building/painting night a few weeks ago. (We had fun)